

Empowering the Youth of Virginia to
Choose Not to Use Tobacco Products

Funding Opportunity:

Funding Opportunity:

Proposals in response to RFP #852P008 are due to VTSF by March 20, 2007. See this Powerpoint Presentation for eligibility questions and other details.

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Youth tobacco use is a large concern for healthcare professionals, educators, researchers, parents and caregivers, and others concerned about the health and well-being of our young people.

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The mission of the Virginia Tobacco Settlement Foundation is to lead a statewide effort to reduce and prevent the use of tobacco products by youth in Virginia.

The Foundation’s mission is an important one, especially considering these startling facts:

  • More than 80% of adult smokers started smoking before the age of 18.
  • One of every three children who try smoking a cigarette become regular smokers before leaving high school.
  • More than 45 Virginia kids begin smoking each day, for a total of 16,500 per year.
  • 134,000 Virginia kids alive today will die early from smoking.

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